The game is a 2D fighting game (think Street Fight II or the early Mortal Kombat games) but one that really has very, very little going for it other than it's cult status as a broken and frustrating game. In fact it's awfulness is probably the only reason anyone even remembers the game.
It's easy to make a bad game, but it's hard to make such a bad game that has no real redeeming factors. Firstly you are greeted by a big breasted man (see the screen shot) and a cross over of a mermaid and a mutated leopard. This should have said it all really, but then you get music that sounds like a computer being abused by a nerd who wants to test whether or not their Mac can feel pain. These would usually be signs that I should be turning a game off but yet worse was yet to come.

It's ugly, it gives you an earache and it feels like your fingers are worthless. When a game simply doesn't want to work there is little you can do but stick it in "The Hall of Shame" and hope others manage to avoid it.
Console-Mega Drive
Players-1or 2
It was previously released as Mondu's Fight Palace and Tongue of the Fatman
It's awful and it will make you want to kill yourself.
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